Price Levels using Slideshows

Price Levels using Slideshows with Signa

Signa delivers robust solutions that empower businesses to conveniently manage their display content through easy-to-use slideshows. In every aspect, from uploading, modifying, to transition, Signa simplifies activities, enabling quick adjustments on screens, especially for businesses like large sports venues with varying content needs. This article walks you through using price level slideshows with Signa for convenient content management and swift transitions on your screens.

Manage Menus with Ease
If you operate in a dynamic business environment where content needs vary frequently, such as a large sports venue, Signa slideshows have got you covered.

For instance, you may have different menus for concerts and sporting events. By using Signa's slideshow capabilities, it becomes significantly easier for you to swap your screens. You just need to alter the static assigned slideshow depending upon the event. Uploading your menus in slideshows and identifying them individually by their location and price level allows for smooth operation.

Swift Transition between Menus
Processing transitions between different menus or display content is an effortless task with Signa. To implement this, follow these simple steps:

1. Choose your slideshow: Signa allows you to create numerous slideshows, where each can represent a particular menu or display content.
2. Assign a slideshow to a screen: Once you've created your slideshows, assign each to a particular screen depending on the event and its respective location and price level.
3. Use the dropdown: The dropdown on the widget is organized alphabetically, aiding in quickly locating your desired slideshow.
4. Change the assigned slideshow: Simply select the required slideshow from the dropdown to effortlessly swap screens. This new content will replace the existing slideshow on the screen.

Display a "Closed" Message
When your venue is closed, you may want to communicate this to your visitors. Signa makes this easy by allowing you to design a "0 - Closed" slideshow. This slideshow can display a closed graphic or any other message you wish to convey. When necessary, simply choose this slideshow and assign it to the appropriate screens.

In conclusion, Signa's ability to create and manage slideshows offers you immense flexibility in presenting and managing varied content and price levels. The ability to swiftly transition from one set of displays to another with just a dropdown selection truly streamlines your operations, saving you time and ensuring a seamless experience for your visitors.

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